Artists-Heads-Studios (Künstler-Köpfe-Ateliers)
Between 2001 and 2004 Martin Weinhold visited and photographed more than 80 visual artists in their Berlin studios. His documentary provides a profound insight to the city's art scene about a decade after the political change of 1989/1990 in East-Germany. A fine selection of this project's portraits is presented in the book Artists Heads Studios (Künstler Köpfe Ateliers). The portraits speak of the drastic changes the artists were exposed to after the political change. Copies for sale (20 Euros plus shipping) still available upon request. Please contact the artist directly.
120 pages, hardcover, format 23,5 cm x 26,5 cm; originally published by TENEA Media Publishers, Berlin, Germany
The photographs are completed by biographies and statements of the portrayed artists. Production and publication were supported by the Culture Council of Berlin and the Bredy & Schadock GmbH.